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Section A
- Write short notes on any four (150 words): (4 x 5 = 20)
a) Verbal Communication
b) Essentials of a Good Group Discussion
c) Characteristics of a Good Communication
d) Homonyms and Homophones (with suitable examples)
e) Preferred techniques of Reading for understanding a text.
Section B
- An International Conference is being organized by your institute. There are participants from different parts of the world. You happen to meet one such participant from London. Write a series of 8 (eight) dialogues exchanged between the two of you introducing yourself, your country, and the socio-political situation of your countries during the Pandemic. (10) Or CLICK HERE to get the answer for free
- Make a presentation on the topic (anyone). (10)
(i) Online Education
(ii) Education during the Pandemic
(iii) Effect of Pollution on Health
(iv) Global Warming
Section C
- How can one be an active participant in a meeting? Discuss some of the etiquettes that must be followed while attending a meeting. (10)
- List three recommendations on how a meeting should end and what should happen after a meeting. (10)
- Distinguish between ‘Silent Reading’ and ‘Reading aloud’. Also, explain the two techniques of reading needed for the proper understanding of a text. (10)
- Explain the importance of shared assumptions between writer and reader. (10)
- What is meant by efficient Reading? What are the characteristics of reading? (10)
- A group of four students has been given the following topic for group discussion (any one) (10)
(a) Climate Change To get answer free click here (b) Health & Pandemic
Write out the discussion giving at least 3 turns to each student
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Instructions for BEGAE-182 Assignments.
You are required to submit one assignment for the ability enhancement course, titled English Communication Skills This assignment carries 100 marks. It will be based on the BEGAE 182 study material blocks 1 to 4. You have to prepare the assignments based on your study material given by IGNOU. But you are not supposed to reproduce the same sentences and the same information from the course material.
As in day-to-day life, planning is important in attempting the assignment as well. Read the assignment carefully and go through the units on which the questions are based.
Note down important points regarding each question and then re-arrange them in a logical order. In the essay-type answer, give more attention to your introduction and conclusion. The introduction must introduce the topic and explain how you propose to develop it. The conclusion must summarize or restate your views on the topic. Once you are satisfied with your answers, you can write down the final version for submission, writing each answer neatly and underlining the points you wish to emphasize.
You should write the assignment in your own handwriting. You have to Make sure the following things a) All answers are logical b) all answers are written in simple and correct English c) Each answer does not exceed the number of words stated in the question paper. d) All answers are written neatly and clearly.
Please remember the most important thing is that it is compulsory to submit your assignment before you can take the Term End Examination.
Do not forget to attach Two copies of EVALUATION SHEETS and a copy of the PERSONAL DATA SEET. Write your Enrolment Number, Name, Full Address, and Date on the top part of the evaluation sheets. Don’t forget to write the Course Title, Assignment Number, and the Name of the Study Centre on the evaluation sheets.
Be more careful when you submit your assignment. Before you submit your assignment, please contact the study center and submit based on their instruction.
We wish you a good day..
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