BEGC-102 Question Paper Analysis



Term-End Examination


Time : 3 hours

Maximum Marks: 100

Note: This paper has three sections – A, B, and C. Attempt questions from all sections. Attempt any four questions from Section A, two questions from Section B, and three questions from Section C.


  1. Write short notes on any four of the following in about 200 words /answer with the reference to the context:                                                                                 4×5= 20
    • In this section, there will be 8 questions, out of eight you have to answer any four.
    • here you can expect two types of questions:
      1. terms like Epic, Mimesis, Anagnorisis, and Hamartia
      2. lines from your textbook/study material for example
        • “Thou art the man,
        • Thou the accursed polluter of this land”.
    • You have to write the answer in 200 words
      • Usually 80 words=one sides of a paper.
      • 200 words= two sides of a paper and half side of a second paper.
      • but for 5 marks it is too much- based on the availability of time you can change the length of your answers.


  1. Answer any two of the following. questions in about 400 words each:  2×10= 20
  • In this section, there will be six questions, out of six you have to answer two.
  • each question carries 10 marks
  • you have to answer the questions in about 400 words.


Ill. Answer any three of the following questions in about 800 words each:    3×20=60

  • In this section, there will be Eight questions, out of eight you have to answer THREE.
  • Each question carries 20 marks
  • This section demands 800 words for each question

It is mandatory to divide your answer into different types of paragraphs like introduction, body paragraph, and conclusion.

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