
The Binding Vine as a Stream of Consciousness Novel

In literature, “stream of consciousness” is a narrative technique used by a writer to tell his/her story. This is a phrase first used by William James to characterize the unbroken flow of thought and feelings in the human mind. In literature, the writer presents the thoughts, memories, and feeling of a character as it is. …

The Binding Vine as a Stream of Consciousness Novel Read More »

What do Wordsworth and Coleridge have to say on poetic diction?

Poetic diction is the language that we use in poetry. It is entirely different from the language which we use in everyday life. It is the language that is commonly used in novels, by its style, vocabulary, and use of figurative language. William Wordsworth was born in the Lake District of northern England. He was …

What do Wordsworth and Coleridge have to say on poetic diction? Read More »

How do the similes make the description more vivid to us?

Similes are an important tool that makes the language more creative, vivid, descriptive, and entertaining. Similes are used to strengthen descriptions more vividly than if only adjectives or literal descriptions were used. Let us look at the examples from the poem, A Baby Running Barefoot, by D. H. Lawrence. a) The movements of the baby’s …

How do the similes make the description more vivid to us? Read More »

Make a list of the similes used in A Baby Running Barefoot by the poet, DH Lawrence

A simile is an expression in which we make a comparison between two things to present an effective word picture, and use such words as ‘like’ and ‘as’ A Baby Running Barefoot is a poem written by D. H. Lawrence. In the poem he uses several similes throughout the poem, Now lust us list out …

Make a list of the similes used in A Baby Running Barefoot by the poet, DH Lawrence Read More »

Discuss the relationship between Language and Literature. Also comment on how the literary language is different from ordinary language.

The relationship between Language and Literature Language is a medium of communication. We use it for all kinds of human communication, including gossip, commercial transactions, political persuasion, scientific reports in advertisements, and ‘literature’ etc. Language is central to all human activity, and all literature is also manifested in and through language. All our individual and …

Discuss the relationship between Language and Literature. Also comment on how the literary language is different from ordinary language. Read More »

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