

Auchitya is a Hindi term taken from Sanskrit. It means justification, propriety, and decency. Kshemendra is the one who introduced the theory of Auchitya in his book AuchutiyaVichar Charcha. He was born in present-day Kashmir. He was the pupil of Abhinava Gupta.

Auchitya is defined as harmony and in one aspect it is the proportion between the whole and the parts, between the chief and the subsidiary. This is one of the theories that is commonly accepted by all poets without any argument. This theory is also known as the “theory of coordination”. There are many elements in a poem, those elements have to be used in the appropriate places. All elements cannot be used in all contexts or places. The use of elements of poems in their appropriate place is called Auchitya. For example, a poem should be explained, use or incorporate a rasa wherever needed, otherwise it loses its beauty.

Types of Auchitya.

Kshemendra put forwarded by 27 types of Auchitya.

Types of Auchitya

These are the 27 Auchitya put forwarded by Kshemendra. Each of these Auchitya has a significant role in the meaning of a poem. Auchitya helps readers to come up with different meanings and interpretations for the same poem.

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