Your health will improve a lot if you………on cigarettes.

Your health will improve a lot if you …….. on cigarettes. Use appropriate Phrasal Verb (give up, put off) (December 2022 TEE)

Answer: Your health will improve a lot if you give up on cigarettes.

The explanation for the answer

Give up” is a phrasal verb that means to stop doing or using something, especially something that is harmful or detrimental. In the context of the sentence “Your health will improve a lot if you give up on cigarettes,” it means that if you quit smoking cigarettes, your health will get better.

Smoking is known to have numerous negative effects on health, including an increased risk of lung cancer, heart disease, respiratory issues, and more. By “giving up” cigarettes, you are choosing to cease this habit, which can lead to significant improvements in your overall well-being. Your lung function may improve, your risk of heart-related problems might decrease, and you might experience a boost in energy and overall vitality.

In essence, “give up” in this context encourages deciding to quit smoking to achieve better health outcomes.

Answer the following phrasal verb questions

  1. Why did she ………. the invitation ?
  2. Your ankle is swollen; I think the doctor ought to ………
  3. We arranged to meet at 730 pm, but she did not ……………….

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