The character of The Master in A Tiger for Malgudi

The Master

The Master is another fascinating character in this novel. In his early life, he was also just like any ordinary man, studied in a college, got a job, married, begot children, and became respectable in society. But, one day there is a change in his life. Like Buddha, he leaves everything behind, including all material possessions, because of ‘an inner compulsion’ or inner force. And he accepts the spiritual life of a Sanyasi. He attains calm, peace, and wisdom through Yoga and meditation.

The Master’s relationship with the Tiger is another important thing that happened in the novel. He seems to have a deep insight into the mind of Raja, as he alone understands that what the tiger wants is an end to violence. He also has the bravery and presence of mind to approach and convince the tiger to join him in a life of tranquility away from human society, even though the people of Malgudi are convinced that Raja is dangerous. When the Master feels that samadhi, or spiritual enlightenment, is near, he gives Raja to a zoo.

The Master is the one who realizes a similar soul in Raja, the tiger. He is the only one who understands what is in the mind of Raja. The Master convinces the tiger to join him and lead a calm life away from human beings.

He was a man of strong determination. Many people from Malgudi try to convince him that the Tiger Raja is dangerous. But he was not ready to obey them. The Master discusses complex concepts like God, Karma, etc. with him and gives discourses on the Bhagavad Gita. The presence of the Master and his teaching on philosophical matters transform the tiger slowly.

The Master has a significant role in the novel A Tiger for Malgudi. The tiger for Malgudi ends with the spiritual union between man and animal. That is the spiritual union between The Master and the tiger, Raja. Even though they were separated when the Master sent him to a zoo in Malgudi. At the novel’s end, the Master ensures that they are spiritually united forever.

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