Write a short note on the meeting etiquette to be followed while attending a meeting.

Etiquette is a set of customs and rules for polite behaviour, especially among a particular class of people or in a particular profession and area. There is a set of customs and practices that we have to follow when we attend a meeting. The following are the etiquettes that we have to follow while we are in a meeting.

  1. Never be late for a meeting. Never be late for a meeting. This not only disrupts the meeting but also is a barrier to the continuity of the discussions. Arriving late is a sign of disrespect to the Chairperson and other members. Unless there is a pressing reason or circumstances beyond your control, be punctual for meetings.
  2. Speak courteously and cooperatively with others.
  3. Do not talk for the sake of talking.
  4. Don’t monopolize the meeting. Speak briefly and coherently. Analyze if what you are saying really contributes and facilitates the discussion. Other members will appreciate you for this and listen to you seriously. Choose an appropriate time to voice your opinion.
  5. Use language which is courteous and control your tone.
  6. Emotional outbursts will hinder the progress of the meeting and also cause unpleasantness.
  7. Do not use your mobile phone while attending a meeting. Either put your phone on silent mode or, if possible, switch it off.
  8. Maintain order and discipline in the meeting, heeding to the requests and instructions of the Chairpersons. Cooperate both with the participants and the Chairperson to achieve the goals of the meeting.

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