BEGAE 182 English Communication Syllabus

Outline of BEGAE 182 English Communication Skills.

It is very important to read and understand the syllabus of each course. it helps you get an idea about the course and connect each topic and subtopic. Therefore it is mandatory to have a look at the syllabus and course outline. Here we have given an outline of the compulsory ability enhancement course, BEGAE 182 or English Communication Skills..


UNIT 1 The Process of Communication.

  1. What is Communication?
  2. The Process of Communication.
  3. Barriers to Communication.
  4. Different Types of Communication.
  5. Written vs. Oral Communication.
  6. Different Types of Face-to-Face Interactions.
  7. Characteristics and Conventions of Conversation.
  8. Difference between Conversation and Other Speech Events

UNIT 2 The Globalization of Communication: A Global Village

  1. A Global Village.
  2. The Story of Human Communication as A Day in Our Lives.
  3. Communication and Social Change.
  4. Language and the New Technologies

UNIT 3 Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication

  1. Verbal Communication: Oral and Written Modes.
  2. Non-verbal Communication.
  3. Advantages of Non-verbal Communication.
    1. Signs.Symbols. Graphs, Charts and Flow Charts
    2. Body Language and Silence.
    3. Eye Contact.
    4. Posture
    5. Distance.4. Silence: Its Role in Communication.
  4. Barriers to Communication.
    1. Semantic and Linguistic Barriers.
      1. Ambiguity in Expression.
      2. Homophones.
      3. Contextual Meaning and Speech Acts.
      4. Stress and Intonation.
      5. Word Shift.
      6. Style.
      7. Register and Jargon – Acronyms.
    2. Socio-psychological Barriers.
      1. The Attention-span of the Listener
      2. Laughter, is the Best Medicine!.
      3. External Disturbances and the Wrong Medium/
      4. Personal Bias and Strong Feelings.
      5. Selectivity, or The ‘I see only What I Want to See’ Attitude.
      6. Cynicism and Negativity.
      7. Perceived Benefits
  5. Four WH words and communication.


UNIT 1 Informal Interpersonal Functions.

  1. Greetings
  2. Introducing Oneself and Others.
  3. Extending Invitations: Accepting, Declining Invitations, Taking Leave.
  4. Small Talk.Small Talk Topics
    1. Talking about the Weather.
    2. Personal Matters.
    3. Food.
    4. Entertainment

UNIT 2 Making Enquiries/Asking Questions.

  1. Enquiries.
    1. Personal Enquiries.
    2. Condolence
    3. Dinner Talk.
    4. Enquiries about Services.
    5. Enquiries about Procedures.
    6. Attention in Listening

UNIT 3 Group Discussions and Meetings.

Group Discussions (GDs)

  1. GDs at Interviews and GDs in General: Functional Differences.
  2. Essentials of a Group Discussion.
  3. What to Say and How to Say It.
  4. Group Communication Skills .
    1. Overcome Differences in Communication Style.
    2. Acknowledge Differences in Gender and Culture
    3. Effective Involvemen
  5. Maintaining Roles in a Group.
  6. Group Processing and Assessment


  1. Agenda of a Meeting
  2. Preparing for a Meeting
  3. Reading: Role of Participants
  4. Vocabulary

UNIT 4 Presentation Skills: Essentials of Presentation Skills

  1. Understanding a Presentation
  2. Reading: Making a Good Impression
  3. Using Visual Aids
  4. Language Associated with Talking About Visuals
  5. The Ending of a Presentation
  6. Signposting the End of Your Talk


UNIT 1 The Reading Skills

  1. Introduction
  2. Reasons for Reading
  3. The Reading Process
  4. Strategies Used by Good Readers
  5. Characteristics of Reading
  6. Levels of Meaning
  7. Reading Problems

UNIT 2 Vocabulary Development

  1. Introduction
  2. Active and Passive Vocabulary
  3. Content Words and Function Words
  4. Some Difficulties in Learning English Vocabulary
  5. Word Building: Affixation and Compounding
  6. Using a Dictionary and a Thesaurus

UNIT 3 The Writing Skill: Some Basic Guidelines

  1. Introduction
  2. Methods of Writing
    1. Identifying your Subject
    2. Gathering Information
    3. Purpose
    4. Knowing Your Reader
  3. Beginning to Write
    1. Writing the Thesis Statement
    2. Writing a Paragraph
    3. Introductions and Conclusions
  4. Organising your Writing
    1. Forms of Discourse
  5. The Writing Process

UNIT 4 The Language of Formal Letter

  1. Introduction: The Language of Formal Letters
  2. Use a Formal Style
  3. Tailor Your Style to Get Results
    1. A Personal and Friendly Style
    2. An Impersonal and Indirect Style
  4. Avoid Overused Phrases
  5. Make Your Letters Gender Neutral

Follow this outline and make sure you have covered all points. It gives you the confidence to write BEGAE-182 in your term-end examination.

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