english in daily life

The terrorists …….. the railway bridge (Use appropriate phrasal verbs)

Phrasal verb question and answer Question: The terrorists ……………. the railway bridge. (turn up, blew up) Answer: blew up An explanation for the answer. In this context, the phrasal verb “blew up” means to cause an explosion that destroys something, in this case, the railway bridge. The word “up” here emphasizes the direction of the …

The terrorists …….. the railway bridge (Use appropriate phrasal verbs) Read More »

How to identify the words that contain silent letters.

BEGLA-135 Exam Preparation In English, we do not pronounce all the letters in a word. Some letters in words are silent. In other words, during the pronunciation of certain words, we keep some alphabet in silent, they are not pronounced. In your BEGLA-135 TERM-END Examination, there may be a question to identify 5 words that …

How to identify the words that contain silent letters. Read More »

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