BEGLA-136 Exam Preparation
Today let us have a discussion on a topic from which you can expect a question in your BEGLA-136 term-end examination. That is how to write and structure a formal letter
A formal letter is a written form of communication that we use in a formal context. There are certain things that one should keep in mind when writing a formal letter.
- Keep your letters as brief as possible. The reader of the letter may not have much time to spend on your letter.
- We have to restrict most formal letters to one or two main points and do not exceed one page of single-spaced typing,
- Your letters should be clear and complete. We should avoid unnecessary details.
Essentials / elements of Formal letters
- From address/Letterhead.
- The Date.
- The Recipient’s address/ To address.
- Salutation. For example, Dear Mr. Andani, Dear Ajmal, Respected sir.
- Heading or subject line
- Body of the letter.
- Leave-taking note- It means a concluding message.
- Complimentary close. For example. Yours sincerely, yours faithfully.
- Name of the sender and designation
- Enclosures
Here are some simple things to consider when writing an application to a company:
- Mention the position you are applying for and where you learned of it.
- After that, you have to give your background and experience indicating how they are relevant to this job.
- Do not repeat ALL the information in your resume or your application form.
- Emphasize your interest in and suitability for the job.
- Mention that you have attached a copy of your resume or the completed application form.
- State that you are willing to attend an interview
A simple model of Application Letter
Write a formal letter to the Managing Director of a firm in your town, applying for the post of Research Analyst in his/her firm.