Note: All questions are compulsory. Question no. 1 carries 20 marks.
I. Answer any four of the following questions in about 100 words each: 4×5-20
i) Describe two functions that visuals help us to perform easily and effectively.
ii) What is the appropriate language and tone while attending a meeting and why?
(iii) What is non-verbal communication?
(iv) What are the various macro-functions of communication?
(v) Write a short note on the Essentials of a Group Discussion’.
(vi) Explain Interpretive reading, with examples.
BEGAE-182 1 P.T.O.
II. Write a formal letter to the Director of a firm, stating your acceptance of the offer of appointment as a Research Associate in the firm. Also mention the time needed for joining. The
letter should be addressed to the Director of the firm. 10
III. Prepare a five-minute presentation on How to prepare 10 for a job interview.
V. Write a group discussion (among five students) on any one of 10 the following topics:
(i) Is social media making us less social?
(ii) Can money make us happy?
About the BEGAE 182 Question paper
This is an ability enhancement compulsory course. It helps you to improve four basic skills of the English language, such as listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
Considering the course, BEGAE 182 English Communication Skills, the majority of the questions are asked directly from the IGNOU study materials. A few questions ask indirectly from the study materials.
Apart from that there are some questions asked from the general topics in the form of group discussion, presentation and formal letter writing. Therefore this is also very important that to know how to draft a letter, prepare group discussions and presentations, etc.
Here we help you to prepare for the upcoming IGNOU Term-End Examination. We assist you and help you to prepare Group Discussions, presentations, etc.