Classification of Reading Techniques

Reading is a process of looking at a series of written symbols and getting meaning from them. There are different techniques that can be used in the reading process.

We can classify reading into three kinds:

  1. Extensive reading
  2. Intensive reading,
  3. Oral reading.

Extensive Reading

This is the best way for learners to improve their reading skills.

  • Extensive reading refers to a culture and practice
  • It is a habit of reading large material, like a novel.
  • It is not a reading within an instructional setting. It means reading takes place not based on the instruction given by the authority.
  • Usually, extensive reading techniques use to read enjoyable books.
  • The aim of extensive reading is to build speed and fluency in reading.
  • It doesn’t give much importance to studying grammar, vocabulary, and phrases.
  • It helps us to read a variety and a large quantity of comprehensible material.
  • Readers can select reading materials based on their levels of linguistic proficiency.

Intensive reading

  • Intensive reading refers to the practice of reading skills in an instructional setting or context like a classroom.
  • An instructor or a teacher provides a variety of reading material or a passage to the readers and assigned activities
  • The reading materials or passages are usually small and short.
  • During the time of intensive reading, the reader gives primary importance to grammar, vocabulary, phrases, and comprehension.
  • Intensive reading is followed by comprehension questions and other activities
  • Learners need to look for critical information in the passage they are reading, make inferences, etc.
  • Intensive reading is instruction-based and forms the core of improving reading skills.

Oral Reading

  • It is a reading technique to read with speed, accuracy, proper intonation, expression, and good comprehension.
  • It encompasses fluently reading both silently and aloud.
  • We use the technique initial stage of language learning.

These are the major techniques that are usually used to improve reading skills.

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